These are unprecedented and challenging times. Protecting our physical and mental health, and that of our children, is a priority. Relationships in families can be very important in helping us through stress, but they can also come under strain themselves. There are particular challenges for children currently whose parents live in different homes. Some top…

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Article 12 of the UNCRC states that children’s voices must be sought, listened to, and taken into account in matters affecting them. Rosanne Cubitt explains how this right is being respected for children in cases of parental separation.  The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children who are capable of…

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Children should be supported to keep in touch with both parents after separation, whenever it is safe and possible for them to do so, says Stuart Valentine, Chief Executive of Relationships Scotland (This article originally appeared in the Scotsman) Bringing up children is one of the toughest challenges anyone can face. Even with the well-intentioned…

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Families across Scotland can continue to benefit from the insights gained by participating in a Parenting Apart session – for free.  The Scottish Government have recently confirmed that funding to allow these sessions to be developed and offered from Relationships Scotland’s family mediation services will continue for a third year. Parenting Apart information/education sessions are…

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Should we be listening to children and young people directly, or hearing their views via their parents?  This is a question that exercises the minds of those who work in the family law field and is receiving heightened attention from policy makers in Scotland at the moment. Does it put pressure on children and young…

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