East Ayrshire
Find information on the support available from Relationships Scotland Member Services in the East Ayrshire region below.
Relationships Scotland – Couple Counselling Ayrshire
Address: 5 Miller Road, Ayr, South Ayrshire, KA7 2AX
Telephone: 01292 265270
Email: counselling.rsccayrshire@gmail.com
Office hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am–12.30pm (some evenings phones are staffed). Outside of these hours the answer phone is in use. Counselling operates at flexible times Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm.
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am-9pm
Relationships Scotland – Couple Counselling Ayrshire offer a range of services including Relationship Counselling and other support as listed below:
Services offered:
- Relationship Counselling (individual and couple)
- Psychosexual Therapy
- Sex Addiction Therapy
Relationships Scotland – Family Mediation West of Scotland
- Glasgow Office: 19 Woodside Place, Glasgow, G3 7QL Telephone: 0141 332 2731
- Kilmarnock Office: 58 Portland Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 1JG,
Telephone: 01563 657 860
Email: info@fmwest.org.uk
Website: www.familymediationwest.scot
Opening times: Glasgow office Monday to Friday 9.30am-5pm, Kilmarnock office Monday to Thursday 9am–5pm, Friday closed
Relationships Scotland – Family Mediation West of Scotland offer a range of services including Family Mediation, Child Contact Centres and other support as listed below:
Services offered:
Mediation Services
- Family Mediation (Child Focused, Intergenerational, Stepfamily)
- Consultation with Children and Young People in Mediation
- Parenting Apart Information Sessions
Child Contact Services:
It is national policy not to reveal the full address of a child contact centre online for child safety reasons.
Location of Centres: Glasgow, Kilmarnock
Opening times:
Glasgow: Saturdays 11am–4pm, Kilmarnock: Saturdays 10am-3pm
Services offered:
- Supported Contact (In centre & hand over)
- Supervised Contact
Glasgow office
Kilmarnock office