How do we make Scotland the best place in the world to bring up children?
In the run-up to the launch of the Scottish Government’s National Parenting Strategy, Parenting Across Scotland are asking people what they think would make Scotland the best place in the world to bring up children. So far there’s been blogs from people highlighting the need for cheaper childcare, respecting children’s rights, more health visitors and free access to relationship counselling & family mediation.
You can have your say over on Twitter, simply tweet what you think would make Scotland the best place in the world to bring up children and add the hashtag #PAS12.
Relationships Scotland will have an exhibition stand at the launch of the strategy on Wed 3rd Oct – Parenting Across Scotland Conference. Do come and say hello!
Great blogs on childcare, play, health visitors, poverty etc. And as you say, relationship support. Life after children is so different for parents, and the stress can take its toll on relationships. Sadly, many relationships break down in the first few years of a child’s life. Parenting across Scotland has been pushing for more support for relationships for a long time – getting support early could mean a relationship staying together.
The National Parenting Strategy can’t give all the answers but it’s a start. Looking forward to tomorrow #pas12