Top Tips From Parenting Across Scotland
Just when you thought your relationship was sorted and everything was all hunky dory along come children, and you need to start all over again! Well, maybe not quite but becoming a parent is a complex business – and it’s all about relationships. Keeping the relationship with your partner going, creating a whole new relationship with children and then making it all work together as a family.
This means it’s important to support the whole family – by supporting families, we support children. Good relationships both inside the family and with those who help out, means loving relationships, happier families and content children.
Like all relationships, being a parent has its good and bad times and most families need help at times.
As parents, most of us still rely on our own families and friends if we’ve got a problem and we’re not sure what to do. Now the internet means we have a world of information at our fingertips but that doesn’t make life any easier; sometimes it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused by all the conflicting advice out there.
To help simplify things, Parenting across Scotland has produced a series of down-to-earth tips for getting through some of the trickier times of childhood and adolescence. Developed with experts and tried and tested by parents, these succinct guides offer trustworthy and reassuring advice on topics such as how to help your baby or toddler (and you!) to get enough sleep, and tips to help you and your child play.
There are also booklets on Starting Primary School and High School, and Parenting Teenagers. All of these transitional periods have the potential to create turmoil in our relationships with each other, and being able to access some tried and tested advice can be a real help and show parents they are not alone.
We all need support and a bit of advice to be the best parents we can be, so we want to ensure these Top Tip guides reach as many parents as possible.
The guides are available to download free from our website, or bulk order. We have been sharing some of the excerpts from our sleep and play Top Tips guides on our Twitter feed @ScotParents along with guest blogs on our website from politicians, including the Minister for Children and Young People, Aileen Campbell MSP, and PAS partners.
We’re also encouraging parents to add their own parenting top tips using the hashtags #pas10. Come and join us.
Clare Simpson, Project Manager, Parenting across Scotland