Being a mum
As part of our series of guest blog posts for Mother’s Day 2014, Janis McCulloch talks about the best bits of being a new mum.
Last Mother’s Day I had a very pregnant belly and was full of wonder (and fear) as to what it would be like to be a mother. A year on, now with a very cute almost one year old running around, I have to say I probably still don’t quite feel like a mother. I guess I thought I’d be wise and have lots of answers but the one thing I’ve discovered is I don’t know much and I find I’m making it up as I go along. However one thing is for sure and I know it’s clichéd but being a mum is the best thing I’ve ever done.
I can’t narrow down the best things in individually about being a mum but I’d say the number one thing is watching an amazing wee person blossom in front of your eyes. Seeing that little personality get stronger and become much more of a funny wee individual. I guess that’s more than one!
I asked some other mummies what the best thing about being a mum is and they said:
“The proud moment when your child learns something new and does it for the first time”
“Everything……Best thing in the world!”
“When they start to talk to you and you can finally find out what’s going on in their heads. And cuddles.”
“Spontaneous, unasked for kisses.”
“All the fun things you get to do again, soft play, bouncy castles, singing nursery rhymes, weekly swimming, messy play, all the special family times and making lots of new memories.”
“Being so proud every time I see her learn something new and knowing that she’s done it because of me! Or when she looks up at me and smiles when she’s feeding. That’s amazing”
And my own mum said:
“Laughing together with love. Unconditional hugs and kisses. Having children you can depend on whatever happens”
I’ll take this moment to be indulgent and wish my own mum a very Happy Mother’s Day.
Thanks to everyone who contributed, what do you think is the best thing about being a mum?