By one of those strange quirks that occur I found out unofficially this week that I have achieved all of the Relationships Scotland course requirements and am now an Accredited Mediator with FM West. Clearly I was very pleased and relieved that all the work I have done has been worthwhile. But not having the piece of paper to confirm this led me to decide that I would not tell anyone until I actually received it.

I went to my yoga class feeling slightly conflicted and said nothing to my yoga teacher, who is also a close friend. She opened the class as always with a contemplative reading, on this occasion from the Bahgavad Gita. One line that really resonated with me was this:

Perform all thy actions with mind concentrated on the Divine, renouncing attachment and looking upon success and failure with an equal eye. Spirituality implies equanimity.

I felt that this precisely summed up how I was feeling – I had succeeded in passing the course, but I wasn’t feeling any of the exhilaration that I had expected to – and that was just fine. What exactly is success? And can it be the same thing for everyone? Can it mean the same thing at every stage of our lives? And why do we strive so hard to achieve whatever we define as success?

I’m afraid I do not have any answers to those questions, but this experience has ensured that I am reflecting on them and if I have any “Eureka!” moments I will share them.

Meanwhile I await the arrival of my certification and look forward to finding out if equanimity will prevail. Or will the champagne corks be popping? Watch this space.

PS: I found this website to be interesting.


  1. Seanm97 on October 15, 2012 at 11:31 am

    i agree! 🙂

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