Posts Tagged ‘children and families’
Considering the child’s view in mediation
Many of us may remember times when children were expected to be seen and not heard. Children were expected to do as they were told and were simply not asked for their opinions. Decisions about them were made without consultation. Nothing could be further from current thinking. Thirty years ago, the concept of “custody” was…
Read MoreParents can have a Vital Role in Supporting their Children’s Mental Health
TV, newspapers and social media posts constantly highlight the current mental health crisis amongst young people. Every day we read distressing stories about young people self-harming or ending their life because of harassment and bullying. It can be overwhelming for parents as they try to help their children navigate a different world than they themselves…
Read MoreHow can I support my child going to counselling?
If your child has is having counselling, it can cause difficult feelings for you, and you may not know how to approach the subject or know what to say during this time. This guide has been written to help parents navigate this time and has been written with input from young people. Children and Young…
Read MoreMaureen Smyth: It’s Playtime!
Are you one of the thousands of guilt-tripped parents in the UK reading stories in the press berating you for either working too much and stunting your child’s emotional and intellectual development? Or for taking time off work to raise your children but then having the temerity to claim available benefits (to which you’ve contributed…
Read MoreMark Stalker: Recently Separated with Kids? What Next?
Continuing our series of blogs for Child Contact Centre Awareness Week (22-26 April), Mark Stalker tackles the difficult subject of managing recent separation. If you’ve recently separated from your partner and have children then you don’t need me to tell you how stressful the whole situation can be. It’s a time which can be really…
Read MoreCase Study: Using a Child Contact Centre
Continuing our informative series of blogs for Child Contact Centre Awareness Week, Paula McGuire interviews one set of parents about their experience of using a centre. When starting a family, no-one expects to be arranging contact with their child somewhere down the line. It’s no wonder then that Child Contact Centres aren’t at the forefront…
Read MoreSarah on The Challenges of Single Parenting
As part of Child Contact Centre Awareness Week (22-26 April), Guest bloggerSarah from Glasgow Mummy shares her moving experience as a single parent. When I was pregnant with my first child, I had never imagined that I’d be in my current situation… separated with a two year old boy & bouncing baby girl at the…
Read MoreDo you inspire yourself?
Recently while watching the Olympics and especially the Paralympics, I have been consistently struck by the dedication and commitment shown by people from all over the world in all kinds of events and circumstances. During a recent discussion about what should qualify as an Olympic event, I said something that requires skill, commitment and practice…
Read MoreSayings to live your life by
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them. James Baldwin If this quote is true, then what we do is even more important than what we say. I was out for lunch this week with a friend who works with difficult children in schools.…
Read MoreWhat am I doing here?
This thought crossed my mind recently during a particularly difficult and frustrating mediation. Observing was a new trainee mediator and in the post-session discussion, that very sentiment was raised by her, leading me to the conclusion that many mediators must ask that question of themselves when the going gets tough. So, who are the mediators…
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